Playing with Rats |
Water Balloon's Fun Game The few times I've seen someone shooting rubber bands, I immediately made the student come to the front and deposit the rubber band in the trash bucket. From shooting paper wads with rubber bands, the kids that chose to do that don't realize that they could cause the driver to wreck the bus and that folks could be injured or killed. I've had to sweep up broken pencils that were thrown, not just paper wads. Two years ago when I filled in on another route, I got hit with water balloons and had to stop the bus. A high school girl was determined she'd cause trouble for me. Just as we turned onto her street, she sailed two water balloons at me, hitting the mirror over my head and hitting the corner near the control panel. Water went all over the front of the bus, me and the passengers. I had to clean my glasses so I could see. She was suspended for the rest of the year. I hope someone gave her rear end a good switching! Another time, when I drove for the alternative school, they had soul food day, and the students came on the bus with take-out trays containing various soul foods. The monitor and I had quite a chore cleaning the bus out after they got off. I saw through the mirror that chicken bones were flying here and there, mainly chicken bones, but some plates had other foods like black-eyed peas or biscuits, hot foods, too, hot with pepper and seasonings. They were not supposed to bring food or drink on the bus, but the school pretty much made us allow it for that one day. The event that I could NOT ignore was the day a student brought a canned soft drink on the bus from their treat day which was every Friday. That Friday, as I stopped as a busy intersection, a can of Mt. Dew rolled up under my foot on the brake pedal. I stayed stopped and had a student crawl under me and get that can. The next day I went to the school authorities and made them aware that the food and drink being brought on the bus was going to cause someone to get killed. They began having a teacher stand guard as the students boarded the bus, and most of the drinks were finished before school let out, but an occasional can would get a student suspended off the bus. Their treats were given to them during a class period so they could be finished before school dismissed, so my complaint helped. Last year, I drove several field trips that taught me not do drive anymore field trips.
When Fun turns into serious- Not long ago, I learned that a 2nd grader here had pulled a knife on another student and was about to cut off her hand when the teacher stopped it. What a shame. Yes, rubber bands can be trouble on a bus and at school, too, but it gets much worse. My heart goes out to parents who are trying their best to raise their kids right. Many of my load speak to me with respect, but some do not. I hope they will learn how to act as they attend school.
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